Should I Repair or Replace My Roof?: The Three R’s Rule
At what point do you need to replace my roof? Home- and building owners alike struggle with this question, but there’s a simple way of finding out. All you have to do is remember the three R’s of roofing: repairs, restoration and replacement.
Roof Repairs
Leaks can disrupt tenants’ business operations, which is why building owners would normally prioritize repairs. However, in certain cases, repairs are only a temporary solution at best. Repairs should be enough to fix minor to moderate damage. However, if the damage is extensive or leaks keep coming back despite multiple repairs, you need to consider the next option: a roof restoration.
Roof Restoration
Roof repair work can fix small patches that have deteriorated. But what if almost the entire surface has deteriorated to the point that it frequently suffers leaks? Unless moisture has already seeped into the roof substrate, a roof restoration would make more financial sense.
Whereas roof repairs simply plug the leaks, a roof restoration reinforces the entire membrane and may even add waterproof layers. The additional layers usually help extend the roof’s lifespan.
Roof Replacement
If, however, moisture managed to work its way into your roof’s underlying layers, a roof replacement would make more financial sense. In such cases, the damage has spread beyond the membrane. and a total overhaul of your roof is needed.
Keep in mind that the three R’s rule isn’t a substitute for professional advice. Whether a roof needs to be repaired, restored or replaced depends on the extent of the damage, which only an experienced contractor can determine.
Pressure Point Roofing, Inc., a contractor with more than 25 years’ worth of experience, offers a wide range of roofing services, including roof maintenance and repair services. To schedule a consultation, call us at (541) 423-3146, or fill out this form. We serve homeowners in Medford, OR.
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